
Showing posts from May, 2014


  I have made the point before that watching a film can be something akin to a religious experience. A well-behaved cinema audience sits in a darkened space waiting for the coming of the light of inspiration, but sadly Pearl and Dean adverts come on instead, which as spiritual experiences go is like sitting through the long, rambling notices in church. 'You'll be happy to know that all the leaks in the church roof have been repaired but I'm afraid you'll still have to put up with the drip in the pulpit.'  'Tonight's service is on 'what is hell?' Come early and hear our choir practice.' Your mind wanders, you drift, you fidget, you're partly somewhere else and you hope the notices / adverts don't go on too long. Eventually the steward stops talking and the service begins. You pick up your popcorn because in this blog we can change from church to cinema as instantly as an onscreen scene change and munch your way through the sermon. ...