
Showing posts from November, 2014

The Bible - U, PG or not Fit for Children?

If viewing on mobile device click here for video The actor Christian Bale claims that he won’t let his daughter read the bible. Bale, who plays Moses in the forthcoming Exodus: Gods and Kings , believes the Bible is too violent for young minds and I can’t help but wonder if he has a point. One Christmas, when I was eight or nine, I was given a Children’s Bible for Christmas. I wanted a Six Million Dollar Man action figure but I got a bible. This bible had pictures on every page and was written in fairly simple language so I thought I would be okay and I started reading it in the same way that I read any other book, from front to back, page by page in chronological order. In Sunday School we had been told that reading the Bible every day was good for you and at first it was pretty exciting for in the first few pages we had the world coming into being, a terrible flood, violent family squabbles and Joseph and his amazing coloured coat (though I missed the songs in the Bib